Your Hockey Experts. 4


How often you get your skates sharpened is all personal preference. However, sharpening is typically required after six to eight hours of use. We have some customers who get their skates sharpened every week or others once a month. Ultimately, it’s all up to you and the edge you prefer.
In the industry, we like to call it “chattering.” Essentially, the skate hollow is too deep or “too sharp.” Just let us know what you were experiencing on the ice, and we’ll sharpen your skates at a slightly shallower hollow, so you don’t dig into the ice as much. That will fix your problem.
The skate blade is mounted in a channel on the skate holder. In this case, the blade is vibrating in that channel, causing that irritating noise – don’t worry, it’s easy to fix. Bring your skates in and we can fix it while you wait by tacking on non-heat sensitive material to the blade to prevent the blade from vibrating in the holder channel.
Yes, your skates blades have simply loosened. In most instances, blades can be tightened externally on the plastic holder. This generally only takes a couple of minutes to repair. However, if the blade mounting system is located internally through the plastic blade holder, this repair may take longer and sometimes requires us to remove the holder from the boot. If the holder has been damaged replacement may also be required.
Initially you might think your skates are too tight or do not fit properly; however, it's actually quite the opposite. This is caused by poor circulation from your legs to your feet. To ensure adequate blood flow, you need to adjust the position of your skate tongues. We suggest: Loosening both skates and comfortably position your feet firmly in the back of each heel counter. Then, allow the skate tongues to take the contour of your feet. If you are doing this, both skate tongues should be curved to the outside of each boot. This will allow efficient blood flow, resulting in proper circulation. If that still doesn't work, please drop by for an assessment.
The concept is actually quite simple. Over time, the inside and outside edges of your blade turn outward, reducing the effectiveness of your edges. The two "prongs" of the "Sweet Stick" bends back the two blade edges returning them closer to its original sharpness. This process is called "burnishing."
Although this tool is extremely affective, it does not guarantee a sharp edge everytime. The "Sweet Stick" can provide a sharper edge in most cases; however, it cannot replace or eliminate the effectiveness of skate sharpening. Remember, the "Sweet Stick" is best used to quickly repair an edge in the middle of a game or when you don't have enough time get your skates sharpened.
  1. Swipe the "Sweet Stick" toe-to-heel on a 30-degree angle down the skate blade.
  2. Then, draw your hand gently across the blade. If the skate edges are catching your hand, the "Sweet Stick" worked successfully.
  3. However, if the edges are not providing resistance when you draw your hand across the blade, repeat step one a second time. No results? It's definitely time for a skate sharpening as your edges were damanged beyond (temporary) repair!

Quick Tips:

  • Let the tool do the work: putting too much downward pressure on the "Sweet Stick" or swiping too many times can permanently damage the "prongs" and severely bevel the edges inward. If this beveling occurs, the blades will have to be cross cut to remove the bevel. Used properly the slight bevel that would normally occur will be eliminated by a regular sharpening.
  • Two swipe limit: if the edge isn't sharp enough for you after two swipes, it's time to bring them in for a sharpening.
Stick length is merely personal preference. Every player as their own preference based on their posture, stance and style of play. Having said this, most players typically use sticks measuring from underneath their chin to the top of their nose. We have noticed players at the forward position generally use shorter sticks to allow them to control the puck closer to their body, whereas defensemen use longer sticks for more efficient poke checks and pass interceptions.
The most popular skate manufacturers: CCM, Bauer, Graf, all produce competitive products. Each of those brands present unique features which may or may not be beneficial for you. Boot last (boot shape) of the skate is the most integral component to achieve optimal comfort and performance. In other words, you can spend $1,000.00 on skates, or "got a great deal" but if that skate doesn't match the shape of your feet then it wasn't a "deal" at all. Often properly fitted, less expensive skate will be more beneficial for you. Refer to the "Skate Fitting" services section of our website for more information.